MEN OF INFLUENCE NIGHT - PREGAME | In a touching tribute to the positive role models in their lives, the Wagner Thunderbirds football t...
T-BIRD BOWL | Thursday night November 9th we played the second edition of a new tradition here, the T-Bird bowl. I...
BI DISTRICT PLAYOFF INFORMATION | Bi District Football Information: Wagner vs A&M Consolidated Friday Nov 10th 7:00pm Tigerland S...
LEVELING UP | Thunderbird football players were treated to a visit from a former T-Bird this past week. Alex B...
2022 ACADEMIC ALL-STATE FOOTBALL RECIPIENTS | We want to give a huge Congratulations to the Wagner High School football players who were this year...
LOOKING FORWARD TO WHAT LIES AHEAD | With less than a month till the end of 2022, the Wagner football program has already begun prep...
COACH STARIN: FINALIST FOR INSPIRATIONAL COACH OF THE YEAR | Wagner HS – Vote now for Coach Jason Starin to receive the Dave Campbell’s Texas Football San Antoni...
Varsity Football